






西安索菲特酒店内的TOUCH健康体验中心,是一座中法俄式风格的古典建筑。中心提供四季恒温泳池、按摩泡池等设施,以及美国高端进口品牌”Life fitness力健”的健身设备。此外,中心还提供专属健康计划,结合自然疗法与高端科技美肤,帮助客人重获内在力量。











1. 调理肝气:肝主筋,肝气郁结会导致筋脉失养,从而引起斜视。按摩肝经穴位,如太冲、期门等,可疏肝解郁,调理肝气。

2. 补肾填精:肾为先天之本,肾精亏损会导致筋骨失养,从而引起斜视。按摩肾经穴位,如肾俞、命门等,可补肾填精,强壮筋骨。

3. 健脾益气:脾胃为后天之本,脾胃虚弱会导致气血生化不足,从而引起斜视。按摩脾胃经穴位,如足三里、中脘等,可健脾益气,调和气血。

4. 疏通经络:按摩斜视相关穴位,如睛明、承泣、四白等,可疏通经络,调节眼肌功能,改善斜视症状。


1. 患者取坐位或仰卧位,按摩者坐在患者一侧。

2. 在按摩过程中,按摩者以拇指、食指、中指的指腹或指尖,分别按摩患者头部、颈部、肩部、腰部等部位的穴位。

3. 按摩手法主要以揉、按、推、拿为主,力度适中,以患者能忍受为宜。

4. 每个穴位按摩时间约为1-3分钟,每日1-2次。


1. 按摩前应了解患者的病情,排除禁忌症。

2. 按摩过程中,注意观察患者的反应,如出现不适,应立即停止按摩。

3. 按摩后,患者应适当休息,避免过度劳累。

4. 按摩治疗期间,患者应保持良好的生活习惯,注意饮食调养。
















1. 面部护理:桃园SPA采用天然植物精华,为顾客提供专业面部护理。从清洁、去角质到敷面膜,技师会根据你的肤质和需求,为你量身定制一套护肤方案。在舒缓的音乐中,让肌肤呼吸新鲜空气,焕发出健康光彩。

2. 身体按摩:桃园SPA的身体按摩项目独具匠心,技师运用传统中医按摩手法,结合现代按摩技巧,为你舒缓全身肌肉,缓解疲劳。在按摩过程中,技师会根据你的感受,适时调整力度,确保你享受到最舒适的体验。

3. 足疗:脚是人体的重要部位,足疗能够促进血液循环,缓解疲劳。桃园SPA的足疗项目独具特色,技师会运用专业的手法,为你打通经络,缓解足部疲劳。在温暖的水疗池中,让身心得到彻底放松。

4. 香薰疗法:桃园SPA的香薰疗法,选用高品质的天然香薰精油,通过嗅觉、触觉等多种感官刺激,帮助你舒缓压力、改善睡眠。在香薰的包围下,让心灵得到净化,享受一场身心愉悦的养生之旅。


1. 隐私空间:桃园SPA为每位顾客提供独立私密的空间,让你在享受服务的同时,无需担心被打扰。

2. 专业技师:桃园SPA的技师均经过专业培训,拥有丰富的经验,为你提供优质的服务。

3. 个性化定制:桃园SPA可以根据你的需求,为你提供个性化的服务方案。

4. 美食相伴:在SPA过程中,桃园SPA还为顾客提供美味健康的点心和饮品,让你在享受服务的同时,满足味蕾。












《西安 灵SPA隐逸地:探寻古都的养生秘境》

















1. 瑞典桑拿:通过高温蒸汽,促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,有助于排出体内毒素,提高免疫力。

2. 土耳其蒸汽房:采用天然火山岩石制作,通过高温蒸汽,帮助放松肌肉,缓解疲劳。

3. 水疗按摩池:利用水流的力量,按摩全身,缓解肌肉酸痛,改善睡眠质量。

4. 面部护理:采用天然植物成分,为顾客提供专业的面部护理,恢复肌肤活力。










1. 提高生理功能:SPA精油作用于女性私处,可加快人体荷尔蒙分泌,提高女性的生理功能以及本能欲望。

2. 调节内分泌:巴厘岛SPA具有调节女性内分泌、保养卵巢、改善月经不调、痛经等妇科疾病的作用。

3. 美体瘦身:SPA按摩可以帮助人体散发过多热量,促进微循环,从而达到美体瘦身、保持身材的功效。

4. 提高免疫力:做异性SPA精油按摩可以更好地促进淋巴循环,提高人体的免疫能力,让您远离亚健康。






Lin Yang is familiar with this map because it is a map of East Asia.

Dao Yan’s hands swayed gently, and the two maps actually overlapped together. There were two place names in each position.
One is a person’s name and the other is a negative name.
As Dao Yan’s finger crossed his voice on the map, it reached Lin Yang’s ear. "Master, you see this is a ghost town of the underworld, and its corresponding address is feng du, and more than 1,000 kilometers to the left of the ghost town is the end of the Forgotten River-seeing ghosts and sorrow."
Lin Yang nodded his head. He saw too much ghost sorrow in the book of Ghost Deep. The name of this place agency is because it says that all the dead people who have fallen into the Forgotten River, if they can’t climb out when they are washed up by the cold and turbulent river, will completely disappear. It has become a place where even ghosts are worried, and it has been called ghost sorrow for a long time.
Dao Yan didn’t know what was going on in Lin Yang’s heart, and continued, "And this place happens to correspond to the source of the Yellow River on the map of people-it is located in bayan har, Xihai Province. Since mysterious forces can build a yellow entrance from hell to people, we can also do the opposite. We can build a yellow entrance in this place from people directly to the end of the Forgotten River and unexpectedly save Sun Xiaojun’s fetal soul."
Chapter 92 go on road trip?
After Daoyan finished speaking, Lin Yang was not in a hurry to give an answer, but lost in thought.
While judging the feasibility of the plan, he also estimated the probability of its success.
Yushan suddenly fell into silence. Daoyan and others stopped talking and did not urge Lin Yang to decide by himself.
In this process, one minute flies by.
Fortunately, Lin Yang didn’t hesitate for too long when he was clear about the urgency. After about seven minutes, he made a decision and nodded and agreed, "Okay, just follow your plan and implement it. You must put all your eggs in one basket and face a decisive battle when launching an attack."
Speaking of which, he made a joke after a short pause. "If I can’t attract the attention of the mysterious forces in the past, I will not only be unable to save Sun Xiaoyun, but also have to build my own soul."
All the souls present grinned and promised in unison, "Don’t worry, master, we have all fought for a generation. Once the action exhibition is held, we will definitely take the decisive battle posture to make the mysterious forces never think that our desperate attack is actually just a feint to attract their attention."
Lin Yang is quite confident in these souls.
Jokes: Lian Po, Tian Dan, Chang Yuchun, Xu Da and even Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui are all experts in unified warfare. When they were alive, they were already famous in vertical and horizontal fields. After death, they learned to shave through mutual exchanges. Although they did not make rapid progress, they improved a lot in military literacy, which was even worse than when they were alive. "Please."
After taking a deep breath, Lin Yang made a deep bow at these souls.
While Dao Yan, Lian Po Chang Yuchun and other soul messengers quickly returned a gift and said, "We will fight to the death to attract the attention of mysterious forces to create the best conditions for action."
The action plan has been finalized, and Lian Po, Chang Yuchun and other spirits immediately returned to the underworld to make final preparations before the war.
Dao Yan didn’t leave in a hurry, but stayed beside Lin Yang. The novel says, "Master can convince mysterious forces that our attack is Armageddon. I’m going to spread some negative news about you in the underworld. For example, if you go on the rampage after hearing the news of Sun Xiaojun, you will be forced to send troops to take Sun Xiaojun back despite the unanimous opposition …"
Lin Yang frowned slightly and asked, "Will these mysterious forces of information believe it?"
Dao Yan replied, "I don’t necessarily believe it, but it can influence their judgment to some extent."
"Then spread it," Lin Yang said without hesitation. "It is best to describe my image as being carried away by anger and not listening to advice."
Dao Yan grinned half jokingly and said seriously, "Don’t worry, master, I will describe your image even worse than this."
Then he started another equally important thing: "Master, this time you sneaked into the hell from bayan har and took people at the end of the Forgotten River … In my opinion, it is better to take Zhang Linchong, Zhan Zhao and the five people who moved to Luban."
Dao Yan recommended these four men to be targeted candidates after careful consideration.
The strength of Lin Chong and Zhan Zhao has reached the realm of ghost emperor. In this team, Lin Chong is suspected to be the main fighting force. At the same time, Lin Chong is also good at tracking, tracing and other skills, which is quite suitable when tracking Sun Xiaojun.
Although Shi Qian Xiu is much weaker than Lin Chong and Zhan Zhao, he has just stepped into the field of the Ghost King, but his victory lies in his strange posture. He can sneak into the enemy’s department to spy on news without being found to be responsible for investigation.
In fact, according to the original idea of Daoyan, Yu Luban wanted to send Zhang Fei, Long Yangjun and others to Lin Yang to act with him. However, these people already had a great reputation in the underworld. If they didn’t appear in the front line of attack, they were afraid that they would arouse the suspicion of mysterious forces, so they chose such four people as the second best.
Among the four people, except Lin Chong, they are not war fighters. Even if they don’t appear on the battlefield, they won’t make mysterious forces doubt. When Lin Chong arrives, it’s not difficult to fool the past by trying to get other heroes in the water margin to help cover up.
After a little thinking, Lin Yang understood Dao Yan’s arrangement and nodded, "Just do as you say." At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel that it is good to have top counselors around to help him advise. If he wants to think about countermeasures, he is afraid that he is still having a headache. What should he do about these things? How can he not be like this and everything will be arranged properly?
Tao Yan didn’t know what Lin Yang was thinking. When he saw that his proposal was accepted by Lin Yang, he said goodbye, "Master, if there is nothing else, I will go back to the dead hell to coordinate the bureau first."
"Go," Lin Yang nodded. "Just bother Mr. Too oversensitive."
After Daoyan left, Lin Yang also let the gods return to the flesh. After he got up, he immediately escaped from his mobile phone and dialed Qian Bo’s words and ordered, "Qian Bo helped me book the latest flight to Xiadu and prepare me a good off-road car at Xiadu Airport."
Summer is the capital of Xihai Province.
Driving to bayan har from there is much faster and more convenient than driving directly from Jinguan City.
Qian Bo just didn’t take long to get away from the villa at the moment. "Master, didn’t you just say that you want to be clean in the villa for a few days? Why are you suddenly going to Xihai Province? Want a good off-road car? You don’t want to go to go on road trip, do you? "
Lin Yang is also wry smile when hearing this question.
It turned out that he was going to go directly to the nether world to rescue Sun Xiaojun’s fetal light soul, so Qian Bo arranged a quiet place for him, but he didn’t expect that the rescue of Sun Xiaojun would involve such a big and complicated root, so it wouldn’t be possible to just go into hell.
These words are naturally there is no way to say that listening to Lin Yang for Qian Bo can also follow his words and say, "Yes, I have changed my mind and plan to go to go on road trip, Xihai Province for fun. Please arrange it quickly."
Even though there are thousands of questions in Qian Bo’s heart, there is no way to continue asking and promise "I’ll arrange it"
Hang up after he couldn’t help but sigh and shake his head with a wry smile. "Ah, this young master is really good at tossing people and going to go on road trip alone? That’s a bit dangerous … "
Chapter 929 Words and bodyguards
Complaining is complaining. Qian Bo didn’t dare to neglect Lin Yang’s account.
His horse dialed his secret voice in the blink of an eye and flattery became serious. "Book a ticket to Xiadu immediately, not for me, but for Lin Yang … which Lin Yang? Who else do you think is Lin Yang? Let me know when you book it. Oh, by the way, prepare another off-road vehicle with good performance and a reliable bodyguard in Xiadu. Remember to take the latest flight today. "
After he finished speaking, he suddenly turned the steering wheel and galloped away in the direction of the villa.
The place where the villa is located is really quiet, but it is very inconvenient to travel at the same time. If there is a car, it is quite difficult to take a taxi. Therefore, Qian Bo turned around and went back to pick up Lin Yang. From this point, it is not unreasonable to see that he can represent Lin and Ma in the management of all matters here in Xishu Province.
He is very good at doing things.
Just as Qian Bo was driving back, Lin Yang strode out of the villa while talking.
First, he called Ming Xi and didn’t say that he was going to the underworld. The real reason was that he told him, "I’m going to the underworld these days. You may not let me practice hard. Don’t slack off. If you don’t understand anything, call grandmaster and don’t be afraid to bother him." "Don’t worry, Master, I will definitely work hard." Ming Xi knew that Lin Yang had been to the underworld and didn’t care too much about Lin Yang’s visit to his territory.
Although she really wants to go with Lin Yang to learn more about the underworld, she can’t reach the point where the soul leaves the body and goes to the nether world now. This idea can also be thought in her heart.
After hanging up to Ming Xi, Lin Yang called Liu Xiangcheng again. "I have something to do these days and need to go out. You tell your brothers and Shao Jie …"
He was interrupted by Liu Xiangcheng before his words were finished. "Oh, my god, are you going out again?" Isn’t that great? Which sister paper is it with this time? Still Meng Yao? I said, can you take me? "
"Hey, your sister, I’m going to get down to business." Lin Yang didn’t good the spirit scold a way, but in my heart, he was smiling bitterly. "From you? If I let you know that I’m going to hell to fight with evil spirits, I wonder if you’d like to go with me? Still hey, still cool? What’s there to be hey and cool in hell? "
"Yes, yes, yes, you are going to do business. I believe it," Liu Xiangcheng responded. The last sentence, "I’m weird-sounding garble", was just saying irony. Before Lin Yang continued to scold him, he added, "All right, I’m still in class now. I’ll talk about it later if you have something to say … Ah, ah, Mr. Feng, don’t be angry. I’ll hang up .."
Then Liu Xiangcheng’s voice came to an abrupt end and there was a beeping busy tone. Obviously Liu Xiangcheng had hung up over there.
"What a suck!" Lin Yang couldn’t help laughing as if he had seen Liu Xiangcheng being severely scolded by Teacher Feng patting the table.
Later, Lin Yang called Ding Guohua and told him not to arrange classes again in the recent period. He had some things to deal with, which would delay him for several days. Ding Guohua was very sorry for this, because he planned to arrange more classes for Lin Yang in the next few days while the iron was hot. It is best to use this trend to make the name and prestige of West China University Medical College go up a storey still higher. It is a pity that Ding Guohua can agree that Lin Yang should be managed from him in name, but he didn’t dare to manage Lin Yang in fact … A joke about Lin Yang is his little martial uncle. If he dares to take care of Lin Yang, his master for minutes.








